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Having problems? Want us to do a better job and have some suggestions? Or just want to give us a high five for a great job?
Shoot us an email here:
To help us get back to you sooner, please provide in the subject line, the well ...subject of your email.
Report a User
Lanka Connection is your community. Just like your neighborhood, act like you want to be treated. However, if you are having issues with a member, shoot an email and a copy of the violating issue to Our team will review and investigate. Lankans being the jovial bunch that we are, we suspect this will never be an issue, but just in case we want to make sure you are protected.
Privacy Basics
Lanka Connection is a unique site for the global Sri Lankan community. That means you can find other Lankans based on criteria that are Lankan, but maybe you don’t want to be found on some of those fields, or maybe you don’t think that is other people’s business.
Well Lanka Connection has got you sorted. Lanka Connection gives you the ability to make private any and all of those fields. We can hear you asking, Wait a minute! I am not someone who wants to be totally out there, butttt I am not a hermit living in a cave in Dambulla either! Can Lanka Connection help me with that?? Why yes, yes we can. If any of the “umms” below are you then our privacy tools are well…for you.
Umm Scenario 1
I don’t want my FRIENDS to see the ever-so Aqua -green bridesmaid sari that I had to wear for my cousin’s wedding at the Hilton, but still want my Aunties to see that I umm loved it, even though I only may wear it at a Halloween party….
Umm Scenario 2
I don’t want family to see my posts from my, umm err umm over-indulgence at Amuseum over the weekend, but the machangs will think it is hilarious…
Umm Scenario 3
I don’t want my boss to see my O-Level pics with, what ummm I then thought was a too cool-for- school moustache, but my friends—who had the same "moustache" will like the walk down memory lane.
How to resolve those "Umm" Moments:
Scenario 1: I just want the FAMILY be able to see this.
Scenario 2: I just want my SOCIAL friends to see this side of me.
Scenario 3: Lets face it, you don’t want anybody from my BUSINESS to see that, but man my school buddies would enjoy it.
If any of the above scenarios are you, check out the Privacy Settings. When you make a "Connection" with someone else, Lanka Connection gives you the ability to have privacy settings for specific groups that are: